How to Optimize Product Pages for High Converting Product Pages

From the inception of the SEO, there have been numerous updates, changes, modifications,and techniques in the implementation of the Optimization processes either with keywords or with the contents. The term ‘Contents’ has always dominated and perplexed as well the marketers especially when it comes to optimizing a ecommerce website product page.

Hence, I would love to say that eCommerce products pages Optimization is the litmus test of the SEO marketing professionals as well as the content creators to stream line the traffic in boost the product conversion rate. This has to be said so mainly because It is the presentation of the contents on an eCommerce product page that helps in churning high converting product pages.

If you are an eCommerce website owner, you must have realized the vital role a product page plays in generating effective sales online. Mind well, this is the page where the actual buying and selling of a product takes place, no matter how aggressively you have been promoting your products line through various channels. What I wish to convey is very simple, when a visitor lands on your product page, he should just make a purchase and it is possible only when you have taken care of optimizing it from all the angles.

Just by stuffing your product website page with some keywords is not a real product web page optimization. Here are some insights that may help you understand some of the product pages best practices.

product page optimization

Elaborative products Graphics:

A picture conveys a message faster and more in detail than a whole paragraph. Hence, the first element that will assist you to optimize your product page on your online store is to have greater elaborative graphics of your products. In other words, there should be a multi-faceted detailing of your products in terms of its design, look, how it would match the expectation of the customers etc. for example, you are selling accessories for females, it would be better to display an image of a lady wearing that particular accessory instead of displaying only the image of your product.

Respect the doubts and & Questions in the mind of a buyer:

Well,this element is also of great significance from the point of view of optimizing your eCommerce product page. The better the anticipation of the questions thrown by the customers you have, the more sales you are sure to crack into your eCommerce store.

Let me put here some concerns that a customer usually cares about:

  • How securely is he going to make a transaction on an eCommerce store?
  • Whether your eCommerce product page is mobile devices friendly?
  • Is there a brief and downloadable product synopsis on your product page?

The ideal blend of the product description with a story behind the product:

Let me begin this point with a quote by Kevin Plank,

“Brand is not a product, that’s for sure; it’s not one item. It’s an idea, it’s a theory, it’s a meaning, it’s how you carry yourself. It’s aspirational, it’s inspirational.”

It is better to have an interesting story behind a product you display on the product page of your website. For example, when you are selling mobile phones online, it is better to relate it to a story that relates the most with features of the mobile you are selling. That’s what you will find in case of the world leading brands like Apple or Samsung or MI phones. You will find some brief story be it with a business, or with some personal moments or with some event and they try to relate it with the customers at large that motivates a customer to buy a brand.

Consider the price detailing element that adds value to the product:

Whether you are selling a low-priced product or a high-end luxury product with a comparatively higher price, as a prudent eCommerce store owner, you should not ignore the price detailing on the product page on your eCommerce website.

In words of Warren Buffet,

“Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.”

For example, if you are selling a high-priced product, then there should be a detailed description of the materials used, manufacturing process, quality standards, and above all what value your products add to and match to the expectations of your customers.

It would be an incorrect contention that your customers buy your products merely by Snob appeal. There should always be a proper communication for the price you charged and the value and quality you assure your customers.

Tricky display of the related products on your eCommerce store:

I would love to put more stress on this aspect as must have noticed the booming trend of cross-selling and up-selling in the virtual stores market. Let me make it easier. You must have observed the recommendations when you visit a website. This is the magic of the algorithm results based on the purchases made in the past. These recommendations are, in fact, very valuable as it would at least make the buyers aware about the products available on your store about which even he/she does not know. Moreover, the same recommendations will eventually one day motivate them to land on your product page to make purchases as and when they happen to have the necessity of the same product.

High converting product pages are not created with some invisible miracles but they turn out to be so with consistent and continuous deep study of the customers’ behavior and preferences changing from time to time. And an eCommerce SEO Experts make that happen for you. Need help? Contact Us.