Fitness and Healthcare with IOT

Remember those Sci-Fi movies, where a person is diagnosed and cured within minutes. Such days are really close, I know, you might not agree, but you’ll believe me after reading this blog.

Also Read : How to Transform Your Tomorrow with Internet of Things?

I’ll divide my article into seven sections and each section will tell you how a patient will be handled in future hospitals using IOT

Patient Identification
In large and multi-specialty hospitals, it is very complicated to identify the patients if the doctor changes or their room changes. You know how it is; just one medicine can give a new life or take it away from the guy on your bed.

The solution I suggest is, when a patient enters the hospital for the first time, the administration can give him a RFID cum gps tag or wrist band which will contain all the details about the patient, his disease and the medical procedures that are recommended for him.

“In order to interact with that device, all you need is a healthcare mobile app development and you can easily identify all patients admitted to the hospital.”

Blood Tracking
A recent research points out that blood transfusion of the incorrect type or blood given to the wrong patient are unacceptably frequent and serious. They usually result from an error made during the bedside check and are most likely to occur among surgical patients.

To curb this issue, hospitals can take advantage of technologies like barcode and RFID. A nurse or caretaker will scan the code on mobile phone and match it with the blood-bags using the same phone. The task will become much easier as well as faster because of this. Moreover the risk of patients receiving the wrong type of blood is minimized.

Smart Operating Theaters
Incorrect surgical identification can raise significant problems. Most commonly reported surgical errors involve surgery on the wrong body part, surgery on a wrong patient or use of wrong surgical procedure.

To ensure that the correct operations are carried out on the right patients, hospitals can use radio tagging. It makes the operating theater safer and more efficient. Moreover the risk of litigation resulting from surgery mistakes and the costs they generate will be significantly reduced.

Drug counterfeiting is an increasing problem as they can contain dangerous substances and reduce the safety of patients.

To combat this serious problem, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages the use and adoption of RFID. With RFIDs, users will be able to retrieve the product codes and verify their authenticity by checking the manufacturer’s database via the web. All these measures will ensure that the drugs that patients take are safe and effective.

Avoiding Theft of Medical Equipment
It is well-known that hospitals own a lot of expensive medical equipment and some of them are stolen on a regular basis by the workers.

Once again, RFID can solve this serious problem. Once RFID tags are embedded into the medical equipment of, You can track and trace it with mobile app. This reduces risks of the thefts as the hospital’s technical staff is always aware of material’s whereabouts within the buildings.